Choices is committed to your right to know what is in your food. To that end, we are proud to support the Non-GMO Project by donating 5% of our total sales on Saturday, October 29th. to them. Below is a summary of The Non-GMO Project's mission as stated on their website:
"The Non-GMO Project is a nonprofit organization committed to preserving and building sources of non-GMO products, educating consumers and providing verified non-GMO choices.
- Everyone has a right to know what is in their food and deserves access to non-GMO choices.
- By voting with our dollars every time we shop, collectively we have the power to change the way our food is grown and made.
- Preserving and building the non-GMO supply chain is a critical step of transitioning toward a safe, healthy food supply for future generations.
- The integrity of our diverse genetic inheritance is essential to human and environmental health and ecological harmony.
- By encouraging a non-GMO seed supply, we are supporting the restoration of traditional seed breeding and the right of farmers to save and plant their own seeds and grow varieties of their choice.
- A verified non-GMO system supports organic agriculture by reducing contamination pressure and protecting the supply of non-GMO seed.
- Everyone deserves an informed choice about whether or not to consume genetically modified organisms.
The Non-GMO Project is governed by a Board of Directors. We also work with a collaborative network of technical and expert advisers from a broad and diverse range of backgrounds and sectors."
It is our hope that you will make a shopping list, and stock up on your favorite Non-GMO Project verified items, knowing your purchases will help further this important cause.