In this natural health class you will learn how to stock your winter medicine cabinet for cold & flu season! Take home with you the knowledge of natural remedies and what to keep on hand. Learn easy homemade recipes to keep you and your family well during this season.
This class is taught by Abbie Bradford, a Registered Nurse, Certified Health & Nutrition Coach and Master Herbalist. Please register for this class and if you are not able to attend once registered, please let Choices know as these classes fill up.
DISCLAIMER: All information provided, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment.
The information provided is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or health care provider, and may not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any specific ailments. You should always consult with your own personal physician before adding any supplement or herbal remedy to your health care regimen.