Unfortunately, we have to cancel, and reschedule, our Benefits of Honey class. Watch our Facebook page and/or our New Events page of our website for a new date and time.
Our local honey supplier, Phillip Raines, is going to be talking about the health benefits of honey - it's not just for allergies anymore! He will be talking about the topical uses of honey, including a recipe for a honey face scrub.
Phillip will also be bringing an observation hive, so that everyone can see the bees in action. You won't want to miss this entertaining and informative class.
Phillip and Sharon Raines have been beekeeping in Davis, IL for 20 years now, and are the 4th largest beekeeper in the state of IL. They run around 700 hives, including hives on forest preserves, state parks, local farmers (both organic and conventional), the Nicholas Conservatory, and The Discovery Center, among others.
Space is limited, so you must register to attend.