Rockford Real Food Revolution Week 1: Know Your Food

A new year always brings a fresh start and a new enthusiasm for making this the best year ever.    We share your enthusiasm and welcome you to the Rockford Real Food Revolution!  Choices is completely invested in offering encouragement to everyone seeking a healthier diet in 2016.  


We all have different reasons for wanting to make healthier choices. Lose weight.  Improve overall health.  Set an example of healthy eating for your family.  Whatever the reason,  keep that front and center.  Write it on a post-it, index card, or even a paper scrap and keep it in a prominent place where you see it every day.  Making a commitment to real food is a daily choice. 


Know what’s in your food.  Read the labels in your pantry and refrigerator--especially the ingredient labels.  How many of the ingredients would you actually use if you were cooking it yourself?  

Read books, visit websites, and watch films that explain the implications of eating processed foods and the benefits of transitioning to a diet of real foods. Learn about GMO's.  What are they and how do they affect us and our environment? 

The public library has a wide variety of books on this topic (authors:  Michael Pollan, Mark Bittman, Kris Carr, Robyn O'Brien) and in a variety of formats; including digital, CD and hard cover.

Websites for Information and Encouragement

There are many websites out there to support you in your journey to make healthier choices.  Below are a few of our favorites!

100 Days of Real Food      Happily Unprocessed       Food Babe         Living Non-GMO 

Click here to visit our website and view trailers for other informative documentaries that Choices Natural Market can make available to anyone who is interested.  If you would like to view any of the full movies, you can stop by the store and ask one of our team members for details.

Congratulations on joining the Rockford Real Food Revolution and working toward a healthier 2016!