Week 5 - Good Food, Good Mood Journey - Celebrating the Journey So Far

2022 is just beginning and you have already taken steps to make this year a healthier one. If you’re new to this blog, or would like to review previous posts - click the following links to see the topics we have covered so far.

Week 1 - Brain Work, Motivation

Week 2 - What Exactly Am I Eating - Read labels

Week 3 - The Power of Fruits & Veggies

Week 4 - Kick the Sugar Habit

As we continue the journey, it is good to remind ourselves that the goal is progress, not perfection. Every effort, no matter how small, is propelling you toward a healthier future. Congratulations on your progress so far.

Here’s a little added motivation to keep you going strong.  

Take 16 minutes to view this video. Radical truth: none of us prioritize our mental health as the most important aspect of our health. What can you do every day to improve your mental health? Or, importantly, what are you doing every day that is actually taking away from your mental health? What is nutritional psychology? Could it be that a significant factor in building strong mental health is as close as your daily food choices?

Re-ignite your commitment to take all of the small daily steps on your health journey that will take you to a new healthier place.

Ted Talk: Feed Your Mental Health

What studies tell us about the impact of food on our mental health.

Not surprisingly, our choice of food can have a positive impact on our brain health.

Making changes to your lifestyle is a big undertaking. Old habits die hard, but do not be discouraged.

Your health journey belongs to you. Do not compare yourself to others. You are moving in the right direction and it shows every time you add an additional fruit or vegetable to your meal or choose water over a sugary soft drink. It may take some time to transition, but our amazing team at Choices is here to encourage and inspire you.


You are a leader!  You are an inspiration to your kids, your spouse, your siblings, friends and co-workers. If you can make better choices toward a healthier lifestyle, so can they.

YOU'VE GOT THIS! Let’s go!