Inflation Busters - Prices You Can Depend On

With everyone feeling the pinch of higher prices on just about everything, we started thinking about what Choices could do to provide a little certainty in these uncertain times. So, we identified a little over a dozen staple items that people buy every week, and not only have we decided to hold those prices in place, but also to LOWER our prices on these items. Because Choices is an independent, family owned business we, as the owners, can make these kinds of decisions because we also feel the pressure of higher prices on our own budget.

Here's what we came up with as staple items:
Bread (regular and gluten free), milk (dairy and plant based), eggs, butter (dairy and plant based), juice, a frozen veggie and our local, organic ground beef.

We selected one item in each of these categories that you can now depend on for a consistent, lower price through the end of March, 2022.

Please note that two of these items feature special sale pricing for December. The Inflation Buster pricing will go into effect for these items in January.

Here’s what we came up with:

Organic Valley half gallons
regular price $5.19
inflation buster: $4.99

Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk
regular price: $4.99
inflation buster: $3.99

Canyon Bakehouse
Gluten Free Mountain White Bread
regular price: $6.99
inflation buster: $5.99
On Sale in December: $4.29

Uncle Matt's Organic Orange Juice
regular price: $7.49
inflation buster: $6.79

Rudi's Organic Rocky Mountain Sourdough
regular price: $6.09
inflation buster: $5.99

Cadia 16 ounce Organic Frozen Broccoli
regular price: $3.79
inflation buster: $3.29

Vital Farms Pasture Raised Butter 8 ounce package
regular price $4.89
inflation buster: $3.89

Earth Balance Organic Buttery Spread
regular price: $7.99
inflation buster: $4.99

Melt Organic plant based butter
regular price $6.89
inflation buster: $5.09

Local Organic Frozen Ground Beef
regular price: $8.99/lb.
inflation buster: $6.99

Vital Farms Pasture Raised Eggs
regular price: $5.99
inflation buster: $5.49
On sale in December: $4.79

We really appreciate all of our loyal customers.

Thank you for supporting our small business!